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Djanogly City Academy Sixth Form

Attendance and Punctuality


Students are expected to arrive at Sixth Form before 8:25am and sign in immediately using the electronic attendance system in Main Reception. Students attendance should not fall below 96%.

Absence Due to Illness

If students are unable to attend Sixth Form due to illness or unexpected absence a parent/carer must:

  • Telephone the Sixth Form office on 0115 9421302 or email Sixth Form sixthform@djanogly.notts.sch.uk by 8.25am on the day of the absence
  • Contact the Sixth Form every day until they return

Medical absences for more than five consecutive days will require a medical certificate from a doctor.

Students unexpectedly needing to go home during the school day must report to either the Head of Sixth Form or the Director Head of Sixth Form to obtain permission before leaving.

Advance Notice Absence

If an absence is known in advance students must seek authorisation from the Head of Sixth Form prior to the day of absence to ensure the absence has been agreed.

Such authorised absences include University Open Days and interviews, or pre-scheduled hospital/ orthodontic appointments.

Unauthorised Absences

Routine GP and dental appointments and driving lessons must not be made in lesson times and will not be authorised.

Examples of authorised absence:

  • Illness
  • Emergency dental appointment
  • Emergency medical appointment
  • Driving test: Authorised in advance with DVLA letter
  • Theory test: Authorised in advance with DVLA letter
  • University visits: Authorised in advance
  • Study leave: Authorised in advance
  • Organised Sixth Form trips: Notification in advance.

The above may in some circumstances be subject to the approval of the Head of Sixth Form.

Examples of unauthorised absence:

  • Non-emergency dental or medical appointments
  • Holidays (term time)
  • Driving lessons
  • Repeated non-attendance at required registrations/ Forum
  • Any absence not covered in writing by a parent/ carer or phone call
  • Attendance at forum but not at timetabled lessons
  • Any unauthorised study leave, university visits, trips, etc.
  • Failure to attend compulsory events organised within the Sixth Form, even if these events are organised during periods when students are not normally being taught.


Holidays during term time are not permitted. Should a request be necessary, this must be made in writing to the School Principal and may only be granted due to extenuating circumstances.


Students who miss individual lessons within the school day will be asked to provide an explanation for the absence. Parents/carers of students who repeatedly miss individual lessons will be contacted and this may result in a meeting.

All-Day Absences

Our admin team will endeavour to contact all parents/carers when students miss a complete day. After the third all-day absence, the Sixth Form team will contact parents/carers.

Please note that in serious cases of absenteeism,
a student’s
place at Djanogly City Academy Sixth Form may be at risk.


Students must arrive in Sixth Form before 8.25am each morning. They are expected to be punctual to all timetabled lessons, Forum and during study periods. Being on time to lessons will not only make sure that they get the most out of their time with the subject teachers, but it is also an indication of their commitment and a mark of respect for their teachers and peers.

To monitor attendance and punctuality, a register is taken at the start of every lesson in Sixth Form and any latecomers will be marked as late. Subject teachers may choose to impose relevant sanctions where students are missing subject content due to persistent lateness.

The Sixth Form Team will discuss attendance and punctuality data with students on a regular basis, and any concerns will be communicated home. Where students are consistently arriving late to their lessons contact will be made to parents/carers by the Sixth Form Team to draw up an action plan of how to ensure this does not continue.

In serious cases of absenteeism or poor punctuality, a student’s place in Sixth Form may be withdrawn from a subject.


Please go to our main school website to access all Trust Policies: https://www.djanogly.notts.sch.uk/Our-Academy/Policies/